The research objective of the work is to analyse motivational salience and satisfaction in security and defence training on the example of higher education institutions in Europe and to provide guidance on how to formulate a methodology for conducting research on motivation for learning and activity and its relation to the satisfaction of the learners, and on this basis to formulate recommendations for improvement of the motivational salience in an academic environment.
About the Author
Elitsa Stoyanova Petrova is the author of over 150 scientific publications, including 3 of her own monographs, co-author in 4 monographs, co-author in a book; she has 5 published textbooks, 1 participation in an educational tool, over 100 articles and papers in specialized Bulgarian and international scientific journals. She has more than 100 citations of her scientific publications. She is a member of scientific boards and a reviewer of over 10 journals and conferences.