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Gen Z for Leaders, Managers and HR: Book 3

Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce & Marketing to Gen Z

Language:  English
Book Three is focused on managing multi-generational workforces and on marketing to GenerationZ.
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Book Three is the final book of this series on Generation Z for leaders, managers and HR. You will learn how to effectively manage multi-generational workforces and market to this generation. You will discover their values, preferences, and expectations as employees and customers. You will also learn how to foster collaboration and harmony among different generations in your team. This book will help you understand and appreciate the potential and power of Generation Z in the modern world.

About the Authors

Graham Scott

Graham is a communication and content specialist with 40 years of experience in publishing and the media. He has worked in all areas, won awards for his writing, and owned a creative agency. He is also a published author of YA novels and regularly engages with GenZ students through school talks and workshops. He wants to help both organisations and individuals find solutions that deliver at the corporate and individual level. He views GenZ as the most influential generation since the Baby Boomers.

Guy Ellis

Guy is an HR expert with 30 years of experience in diverse industries, including IT, Finance, FMCG and the NHS. Over the last 15 years he has consulted with and delivered a suite of professional leadership and soft skills training to organisations globally.

He is a published author on talent management, international management education and managing cross-border consultants.

Guy is passionate about helping young people successfully integrate into the workplace as he thinks GenZ have the skills and mindset to transform the world, second only to GenX.

  • About the authors
  • Preface
  1. Managing the Different Generations
    1. How Do GenZ Differ From Previous Generations?
    2. Managing a Multi-Generational Workforce
    3. Conclusion
  2. Marketing and Selling to GenZ
    1. Introduction
    2. The Drivers
    3. Attitudes
    4. The Different Generations and in Particular GenZ vs. Millennials
    5. Themes
    6. Conclusion
  • Table of Figures & Tables
  • References
About the Authors

Graham Scott

Guy Ellis