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Elementary Algebra and Calculus

The Whys and Hows

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Language :  English
The book is based on lecture notes Larissa created while teaching large classes of STEM students at a University of widening access and embodies a systematic and efficient teaching method.
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The book is based on lecture notes Larissa created while teaching large classes of STEM students at a University of widening access and embodies a systematic and efficient teaching method that marries modern evidence-based pedagogical findings with ideas that can be traced back to such educational and mathematical giants as Socrates and Euler. The courses, which incorporated Larissa's modules, had been accredited by several UK professional bodies, often after ascertaining that there was no correlation between quality of student degrees and quality of their qualifications on entry.

  1. Part I Introduction
  2. Part II Concept Maps
  3. Part III Lectures
  4. Lecture 1 ALGEBRA: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers
  5. Lecture 2 Applications of Elementary ALGEBRA: Solving Simple Equations
  6. Lecture 3 ALGEBRA: Exponentiation, Roots and Logarithms of Real Numbers
  7. Lecture 4 FUNCTIONS
  8. Lecture 5 Real FUNCTIONS of One Real Variable: Graphs, Polynomials
  9. Lecture 6 Real FUNCTIONS of One Real Variable: Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Inverse Functions
  10. Lecture 7 Real FUNCTIONS of One Real Variable: Trigonometric Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Hyperbolic Functions
  11. Lecture 8 Real FUNCTIONS of One Real Variable: Sketching and Using Graphs, Simple Transformations
  12. Lecture 9 Real FUNCTIONS of One Real Variable: Sketching Graphs by Simple Transformations (ctd.)
  13. Lecture 10 ALGEBRA: Addition of Complex Numbers, the Argand Diagram, Forms of Complex Numbers
  14. Lecture 11 ALGEBRA: Multiplication and Division of Complex Numbers
  15. Lecture 12 ALGEBRA: Fractional Powers, Logs and Loci of Complex Numbers
  16. Lecture 13 CALCULUS: Sequences, Limits and Series
  17. Lecture 14 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Limits, Continuity and Differentiation of Real Functions of One Real Variable
  18. Lecture 15 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Differentiation (ctd.)
  19. Lecture 16 DIFFERENTIAL CALCUUS: Sketching Graphs Using Analysis
  20. Lecture 17 Application of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS to Approximation of Functions: the Taylor and Maclaurin Series
  21. Lecture 18 INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Integration of Real Functions of One Real Variable (Definite Integrals)
  22. Lecture 19 INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Integration of Real Functions of One Real Variable (Indefinite Integrals)
  23. Lecture 20 INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Advanced Integration Methods
  24. Lecture 21 INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Applications of Integration
  25. Lecture 22 Ordinary Differential Equations
  26. Part IV Summaries
  27. Part V Glossary
  28. Part VI Study Skills for Maths
  29. Part VII Teaching Methodology (FAQs)
Very well written. Thanks!
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About the Author

Larissa Fradkin