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Consumer Psychology for the 21st Century

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Language :  English
If you are ready to start a new business or launch a new product, you need this book. Although most entrepreneurs work long hours, most fail. Although most new products look good on the drawing board.
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If you are ready to start a new business or launch a new product, you need this book. Although most entrepreneurs work long hours, most fail. Although most new products look good on the drawing board, most fail. Most of these failures are not due to lack of effort on the part of the marketers, but due to lack of insight into the minds of the consumers. It’s not about working harder, but working smarter. It’s not about having a bigger advertising budget, but spending it wisely. It’s not about doing more marketing research, but researching the right things, in the right way. This book provides insight into the eleven biggest stumbling blocks in front of you and how to overcome them. This book has been adopted as the textbook for the consumer behavior course at the University of the People, a tuition free university affiliated with the United Nations Global Alliance for Information and Communication Technologies and Development.

  • About the author
  1. Face Your Ultimate Competitor
  2. How Consumers Make Decisions
  3. The Hide And Seek Of Advertising
  4. Beyond The Sterile Stereotypes Of Profiling
  5. The Power Of Emotion
  6. It’s Not About Price
  7. Innovate
  8. Competing Firms
  9. Let Them Talk
  10. Marketing Research
  11. The Comeback Customer
  12. Bibliography
Everyone should take time and read this piece of entrepreneurial art. Great job!
"Working smarter" - I totally agree. If an entrepreneur will not utilize a customer's view on the business, most likely, it won't earn. Considering a customer's issue will lead to more ideas in this competitive market.
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About the Author

T. L. Brink