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Intermediate Maths for Chemists

Chemistry Maths 2

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Language :  English
Chemistry Maths 2 teaches Maths from a “chemical” perspective and is the second of a three part series of texts taken during a first-year university course.
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Chemistry Maths 2 teaches Maths from a “chemical” perspective and is the second of a three part series of texts taken during a first-year university course. It is the Maths required by a Chemist, or Chemical Engineer, Chemical Physicist, Molecular Biologist, Biochemist or Biologist. Tutorial questions with fully worked solutions structured on a weekly basis to help the students to self-pace themselves are used. Coloured molecular structures, graphs and diagrams bring the text alive. Navigation between questions and their solutions is by page numbers used with your PDF reader.

About the author

I was pleased to respond to to write a textbook (which is split into 3 more manageable books, Introductory Maths for Chemists, Intermediate Maths for Chemists, and Advanced Maths for Chemists which should be studied in sequence) that would help chemistry students survive and enjoy the maths required for a chemistry degree. I developed and presented tutorials on maths to our first year chemistry students over several years at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. This formed the basis for these workbooks. I would like to thank the staff of Heriot-Watt University for their help; and thank the students who ‘suffered’ these tutorials, hopefully they helped them with their degrees and later careers. Most of all I would like to thank my wife Jennifer for her encouragement and help over many years.

  • Acknowledgements
  • About the Author
  1. Week 1: Chemistry and Differentiation
    1. Introduction
    2. Week 1 Tutorial Questions
    3. Week 1 Tutorial Solutions
  2. Week 2: Chemistry and Differentiation  
    1. Week 2 Tutorial Questions
    2. Week 2 Tutorial Solutions
  3. Week 3: Chemistry and First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
    1. Introduction To Ordinary Differential Equations
    2. Week 3 Tutorial Questions
    3. Week 3 Tutorials Solutions
  4. Week 4: Chemistry & Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations Week 4 Tutorial Questions
    1. Week 4 Tutorial Solutions
  5. Week 5: Chemistry and Advanced Integration
    1. Week 5 Tutorial Questions
    2. Week 5 Tutorial Solutions
  6. =Week 6 Chemical Applications of Integration
    1. Week 6 Tutorial Questions
    2. Week 6 Tutorial Solutions
  7. Week 7 Chemistry and Probability
    1. Week 7 Tutorial Questions
    2. Week 7 Tutorial Solutions
  8. Week 8 Chemistry and Probability
    1. Week 8 Tutorial Questions
    2. Week 8 Tutorial Solutions
  9. References
  10. List of Formulae
About the Author

J. E. Parker