John Wood
  • Country: Australia
  • Number of Titles: 1

Dr John Wood has been a psychologist and executive coach and facilitator for over 35 years. His specialty is helping senior leaders change and realise their potential so that they are better able to serve their communities. His PhD tracked the qualities of highly successful CEOs and how they learned from experience. His experience and research resulted in the Beyond Intention program, the 6 steps to personal transformation and a new way of being. His deep experience as a mindfulness practioner also provided a pathway for connecting mindfulness and personal growth as shown in the Beyond Intention program.
Dr Wood has been on several boards and has been a facilitator for many local, national and international leadership programs. He has been a pioneer in the field of 360 feedback and assessment, the designer of innovative leadership programs such as The Mindful Leader and Beyond Intention, the designer of innovative coaching approaches for individuals and executive teams, and is a faculty member of Pacific Integral and South Pacific Integral which holds a yearly deep transformation program (GTC) based on integral theory, adult development and their applications to personal and collective development.
Dr Wood has worked in many sectors from manufacturing to banking, government and not for profit enterprises.

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