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Artificial Intelligence: Exercises I

Agents and Environments

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Language :  English
This free “Artificial Intelligence: Exercises I” eBook will guide you through useful exercises related to the “Agent Behavior” text.
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Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the study and development of computer systems which can perform tasks which normally require human intelligence. Agent Behaviour is a complex aspect of AI, but integral to one’s understanding of the subject. It is discussed in detail in William John Teahan’s “Artificial Intelligence - Agent Behaviour I” e-book.

This “Artificial Intelligence: Exercises I” e-book will guide you through useful exercises related to the “Agent Behavior” text. Both the source text and this exercise e-book can be downloaded for free.

Exercises within this AI workbook help the reader understand a wide range of topics, including the differences between agent-oriented design and object-oriented design, environments as -n dimensional spaces, the NetLogo environment, animated mapping and simulation, autonomous agents, and situated cognition. Each of the exercises correspond to a NetLogo model which can be accessed online and manipulated for learning purposes. These models are quite dynamic and encourage the user to become an “explorer” of the virtual environments.

Readers who wish to continue their study should also refer to “Artificial Intelligence: Exercises II - Agent Behaviour I,” an e-workbook which is also available for free on

  1. Introduction
    1. What is ”Artificial Intelligence”?
    2. Paths to Artificial Intelligence
    3. Objections to Artificial Intelligence
    4. Conceptual Metaphor, Analogy and Thought Experiments
    5. Design Principles for Autonomous Agents
  2. Agents and Environments
    1. What is an Agent?
    2. Agent-oriented Design Versus Object-oriented Design
    3. A Taxonomy of Autonomous Agents
    4. Desirable Properties of Agents
    5. What is an Environment?
    6. Environments as n-dimensional spaces
    7. Virtual Environments
    8. How can we develop and test an Artificial Intelligence system?
  3. Frameworks for Agents and Environments
    1. Architectures and Frameworks for Agents and Environments
    2. Standards for Agent-based Technologies
    3. Agent-Oriented Programming Languages
    4. Agent Directed Simulation in NetLogo
    5. The NetLogo development environment
    6. Agents and Environments in NetLogo
    7. Drawing Mazes using Patch Agents in NetLogo
  4. Movement
    1. Movement and Motion
    2. Movement of Turtle Agents in NetLogo
    3. Behaviour and Decision-making in terms of movement
    4. Drawing FSMs and Decision Trees using Link Agents in NetLogo
    5. Computer Animation
    6. Animated Mapping and Simulation
  5. Embodiment
    1. Our body and our senses
    2. Several Features of Autonomous Agents
    3. Adding Sensing Capabilities to Turtle Agents in NetLogo
    4. Performing tasks reactively without cognition
    5. Embodied, Situated Cognition
  6. Solutions to Selected Exercises
About the Author

William John Teahan