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An introduction to polymer-matrix composites

Language :  English
The book covers both continuous and discontinuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers in terms of various mechanical and thermal properties, processes and applications.
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The book on polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) covers both continuous and discontinuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. It highlights how the incorporation of fibres into polymers makes them more attractive as engineering materials, with very high specific strength and stiffness, compared with metals. The content includes the properties of fibres and matrices, and production methods for PMCs, including wood-plastic composites. Tensile strength and elastic modulus are estimated in terms of fibre content, and fibre length and orientation. The contribution of the failure mechanisms of debonding and fibre-pull to the toughness of composites is evaluated. The coverage contains a chapter on various aspects of mechanical and thermal properties. The chapter on applications includes the use of composites in construction, transportation (road, rail and marine), sports and leisure as well as aerospace.

  1. Introduction
    1. Case for composites
    2. History of the development of composites
    3. Classification of composites
    4. Composite constituents
    5. Self-assessment questions
  2. Processing and forming methods
    1. Open-mould processes (Contact moulding)
    2. Closed-mould processes
    3. Wood-plastic composites
    4. Other processing considerations
    5. Self-assessment questions
  3. Estimation of mechanical properties
    1. Continuous fibre composites
    2. Short (discontinuous) fibre composites
    3. Failure mechanisms that result in composite toughness
    4. Self-assessment questions
  4. Mechanical and thermal properties
    1. Introduction
    2. Tensile properties
    3. Compressive properties
    4. Flexural properties
    5. Shear properties
    6. Impact and fracture toughness properties
    7. Bearing strength
    8. Fatigue and wear
    9. Differential scanning calorimetry
    10. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis
    11. Environmental effects on properties
    12. Non destructive evaluation
    13. Self-assessment questions
  5. Applications and materials selection
    1. Applications
    2. Materials selection
    3. Self-assessment questions
About the Author

Mustafa Akay