Professional eBook

The Process of Delegation

Achieving results through others

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Language :  English
A how-to book on delegating effectively for maximum results while developing and motivating your staff, and freeing up time for the critical functions of management.
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A manager’s job exceeds what can be done by one person alone. Delegation is essential, not only for the effective fulfillment of a manager’s responsibilities, but also for the development of future managers. This book outlines the delegation process, and provides step by step instructions on how to get things done through others for maximum results.

It includes the benefits of delegation, indicators of poor delegation, how to decide what and to whom to delegate, guidelines for effective delegation, and advice for those on the receiving end of delegation.

  1. The basics of delegation
    1. What is delegation?
    2. Responsibility and authority
    3. Limits of authority
    4. The benefits of delegation
  2. Why managers don’t delegate
    1. Indicators of faulty delegation
    2. The “Do it myself ” syndrome
  3. The delegation process
    1. Deciding what to delegate
    2. Delegate some things you don’t want to delegate
    3. Schedule time for training
    4. Select the people you will train
    5. Clarify your assignments
  4. Releasing your job to others
    1. Let your employees decide
    2. Let your employees excel
  5. Guidelines for delegation
    1. Recognize the need to delegate
    2. Some specific guidelines to follow when delegating
  6. Controlling performance
    1. Keeping track of assignments
    2. Keep your expectations high
    3. Performance appraisals
    4. Break reviews into two or more sessions
  7. Advice for the delegatee
    1. What to do when your boss won’t delegate
    2. Delegation is not a spectator sport
    3. Manage yourself and your job
    4. Bring the boss solutions, not problems
    5. How to get experience
    6. Excel in your present job
  8. Delegate or stagnate
    1. Building a strong future
    2. Help develop greatness in others
    3. Delegation grows teams more than individuals
  9. About the author
Great suggestions to read and to implement. Author repeats some content/points again and again in different chapters. But I really liked it as they are important topics.
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About the Author

Harold Taylor