
When to Stick to the Plan and When to Adjust

Goals without plans are trips in the dark without a compass

16m 58s
Sprache :  English
Planning is indispensable! Abraham Lincoln: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.” If a plan does not work, change the plan. Not the goal.
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Another must audio from Manning & Schooler, addressing one of the BIG topics they are frequently asked to talk about. They address the most critical aspects of planning. Then, the landmines that you must recognize and eliminate as you follow your plans and work toward achieving your goals. So much about homework, flexibility vs unwavering focus, critical analytics, information overload, paralysis by analysis.

They tackle the absolute fundamentals that all who plan and execute must know, including: if the plan does not work, change the plan. Not the goal. And how to do that!

Über die Autor*innen

Steven J. Manning