
What Can I Do to Motivate My Team?

17m 31s
Sprache :  English
In the midst of crisis and change, having a motivated team can make the difference between business success and failure.
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Not all of us used to worked virtually and not all of us are happy with this situation. There’s a difference between people being grateful to still be having a job, and them being engaged and motivated and working at full capacity.

One of the difficulties of managing a team that became virtual because it had to, not chosen to, is that not everyone will be motivated by the same ideas, projects, meeting agendas and virtual social events.

So let’s look at what you, as a team leader, can do to motivate different team members – you included!

About the author

Roxana Radulescu is the Founder of All Personal, a bespoke training, coaching and consulting company, the first Canadian Partner Organization to The Game-Changing Index®!

Roxana helps corporate, small businesses and non-profit organizations build game-changing teams and cultures!

She is a TEDx speaker, master coach, facilitator, online course designer and certified GCologist®. She teaches Workplace Communication at York University and College Boreal in Toronto.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Roxana Radulescu