
Visio 2010

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E-Book User’s Manual: Getting Started with Microsoft Visio 2010!
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E-Book User’s Manual: Getting Started with Microsoft Visio 2010

Visio 2010 is the most current version of Microsoft’s dynamic software program which allows users to create a wide range of visual elements in professional and management presentations--from technical drawings and flowcharts, to office layout diagrams, construction blueprints, and calendars. In addition to all of the intuitive design features of previous versions, however, Visio 2010 adds new functionality, allowing users to integrate real-time data from sources such as Excel or SQL, share diagrams online through Microsoft SharePoint, ensure data accuracy with diagram validation, and create interactive visual mashups of data. This up-to-date Visio 2010 e-book beginner’s guide will help you get started with the Visio basics and is available for download here.

Although the Visio 2010 is a complex and sophisticated program, it has been designed for ease of use and to help IT and business professionals communicate complex information in a dynamic and clear way. This detailed e-book manual breaks down the Visio 2010 environment, including the insert tab, shape pane, drawing page, and task pane. The manual also guides users through Visio file extensions, managing stencils, working with shapes and text, adding borders and titles, creating Static (point-to-point) and Dynamic (shape-to-shape) connections, creating and converting 1-D and 2-shapes, and manipulating background pages. Each explanation is simply and clearly worded and full-color diagrams and screen shots are utilized throughout.

This updated e-book also advises users on known program issues, compatibility with other software, highlights user tips and keyboard shortcuts throughout, and ends with an extensive “Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010” appendix.

  1. About this Manual
  2. Icons used in this manual
  3. Introduction
  4. First Look at Visio 2010
  5. Getting Started
  6. Selecting your template
  7. Open a sample File
  8. Zooming
  9. Pan and Zoom
  10. Closing a Diagram
  11. Visio Screen Layout
  12. Visio Ribbons
  13. The Home Tab
  14. The Insert Tab
    1. Contextual Tabs
    2. Design Tab
    3. Data Tab
    4. Process Tab
    5. Review Tab
    6. View Tab
    7. Developer Tab
    8. Turn on Developer Tab
  15. The Shape Pane
  16. The Drawing Page
  17. The Task Pane
  18. Help for Visio
  19. Extended Topics List
    1. Printing Help Topics
    2. Visio Online Help
  20. working with Drawings
    1. Using Templates
  21. Using Shapes
    1. About Stencils
  22. Visio File Extensions
  23. working with Shapes from a Basic Flow chart Template
    1. Adding a Shape to the drawing Area
    2. Adding More Shapes
  24. Auto Connect
  25. Adding Text to the shape
  26. Manually connect shapes
    1. Adding the Connector
  27. Connector types
    1. Static Connections (Also called point connection)
    2. Dynamic Connections (Also called shape to shape)
  28. Add text to connectors
  29. Delete a connector
  30. Saving your work
  31. Close your drawing
  32. Open a previous drawing
  33. Manipulating shapes
    1. Moving shapes
    2. Resizing a Shape with the Size & Position Window
    3. Rotate shapes
    4. Changing the Centre of Rotation
    5. Duplicating a Shape
  34. Adding Borders. Titles and Backgrounds
  35. Borders and Title Stencil
  36. Edit the Title
  37. Managing Stencils
    1. My Stencil (formerly Favourites)
    2. Create a new stencil
    3. Naming a stencil and saving a stencil
    4. Close Stencil
    5. Re-open stencil
    6. Float Stencil
    7. Re Dock Stencil
    8. Add shapes to a stencil
  38. Accessing more stencil sets
    1. Add clipart and pictures to stencil
    2. Name Your Objects in the stencil
    3. This dialogue box below opens
    4. Change or edit icon
    5. Add text to stencil
    6. Add custom shapes to stencil
    7. Menu Layouts
  39. Searching for a Shape on a Stencil
    1. Rename a stencil
  40. working with Shapes
  41. Creating a shape
  42. Selecting shapes
    1. To Select a Single Shape
    2. To Deselect A Shape
    3. To Select Multiple Shapes Using the Keyboard
    4. To Select Shapes Using the Area Select Tool
    5. To Select Shapes Using the Lasso Select Tool
    6. To Select All Shapes on a Page
  43. Moving Shapes
  44. Deleting Shapes
  45. Resizing Shapes
    1. Resizing a Shape with the Size & Position Window
    2. Revising Existing Shapes
  46. Rotating Shapes
    1. Changing the Centre of Rotation
  47. Flipping Shapes
  48. Duplicating/Copying Shapes
    1. Duplicating a Shape
    2. Copying a Shape between Pages
    3. Moving a Shape between Pages
  49. Changing the attributes of a Shape
    1. To Change Line (Border) Attributes
    2. To Change Fill Attributes
  50. Stacking Shapes
    1. Bringing Shapes to the Front/Back of a Stack
  51. Aligning shapes
  52. Distributing Shapes
  53. Grouping Shapes
    1. To Group Selected Shapes
    2. To Ungroup Shapes
    3. Selecting a Shape within a Group
  54. Adjusting Shape Layout
  55. Managing Pages
    1. Creating a new page
    2. Moving Between Pages
  56. Ruler, Grid and Guides
  57. Snap & Glue
  58. Guides
  59. Use drawing explorer window
    1. View the Developer tab
    2. Use the Drawing Explorer window
  60. Set drawing scale
    1. What Is the Purpose of Drawing Scale?
    2. How Do I Set Drawing Scale?
    3. To set drawing scale
  61. What Issues Should I know about?
  62. Drawing Scales Explained
    1. Choosing an Appropriate Drawing Scale
    2. Understanding Drawing Scale and Page Scale
    3. Factors to Consider in Choosing a Drawing Scale
  63. Change the drawing scale
    1. Changing Layout and Line jump
  64. Print Drawings - Print preview
    1. Print range Number of copies - Select a printer
  65. Paper size orientation
  66. Formatting Text
    1. Change font type
    2. Font Size
    3. Font colour
    4. Font Case
    5. Vertical Horizontal text alignment
    6. Change line indent
    7. Change text margins and Text Background shading
    8. Bullets
    9. Spell check
  67. Layers
    1. Assign a shape to a layer
    2. Layer options
    3. Add new layer
    4. Insert Clipart Insert Pictures
  68. working with the shape sheet window
    1. Basic Text Resizing Formula
  69. Shape properties
    1. Setting up Shape Properties
  70. Shape Reports
    1. Generating an Excel Bill ofMaterials from Data Stored in Shapes by Using the Reports
    2. Tool
    3. To report on the data contained in the diagram
    4. Pivot Diagrams: Analyzing Data by Using Different Views
    5. Categories, Levels, and Nodes
    6. Space report
    7. Asset report
    8. Move report
    9. Door schedule
    10. Window schedule
  71. Shape Protection
    1. To protect a shape
    2. To protect a Drawing
    3. To unprotect a Drawing
  72. Automatic page sizing
  73. Diagram Validation
  74. Sub process
  75. Link to external Data
    1. Scenario
  76. Data graphics
  77. Using themes
  78. Quick Tasks
  79. Working with containers and Lists
    1. Containers
    2. Add containers
    3. Behavior of contained shapes
  80. Add shapes to a container
  81. Format a container
    1. Lists
  82. Id shapes 2d shapes
    1. How 1-0 and 2-D Shapes Differ
  83. Converting 1-D and 2-D Shapes
  84. To convert a shape between I-D and 2-D
    1. Examples of 1-D Shapes
    2. Examples of 1-D shapes
  85. Basic Drawings Exercise Examples
    1. Process Chart
    2. Cross functional Charts
    3. Org Charts
    4. Time Line
    5. BPMN
    6. BPMN support in Visio 2010
    7. Diagram Validation
    8. Common used Symbol Definitions
  86. Appendix
    1. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - What's new
    2. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - The ribbon
    3. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - Backstage view
    4. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - ShapeSheet IntelliSense
    5. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - Status bar
    6. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - Customize ink pens
    7. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - Colour by Value
    8. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - What's removed
    9. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - Find Shape feature
    10. Changes in Microsoft Visio 2010 - Stencil docking
    11. Zooming via Keyboard Shortcuts
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Stephen Moffat, The Mouse Training Company