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The Seven Deadly Sins of Employment

How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Made By Employers

(12 Bewertungen)
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Sprache:  English
This book is a useful guide for those who are new to HR or managing teams.
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This book is a useful guide for those who are new to HR or managing teams. The Seven Deadly Sins of Employment takes the reader through the employment life cycle from recruitment to termination of employment. It sets out the main processes and risks and provides practical guidance and help. Written in an easy-to-read style by an HR practitioner of considerable experience, the reader will understand what has to be done to achieve compliance, guidance on best practice as well as some robust no nonsense advice. Illustrative case studies add an amusing human dimension to the topic.

Being an employer these days is somewhat akin to going into battle. Not only do employees have more rights than they’ve ever had (and therefore cost employers more than ever before), there’s considerable economic pressure on employers to ensure that the business survives.

Common complaints from employers include:

“I can’t seem to recruit the right people.”

“Why does he keep making mistakes?”

“I’ve told her a hundred times – and she still arrives late!”

“It takes so long to manage someone through the disciplinary process properly!”

“It’s quicker to do it myself ….”

Getting it wrong and not managing employees so that they perform to their optimum is frustrating, time consuming and expensive.……so what can employers do? Making just a few changes will reduce your risk and help the work flow more easily. Use the information and tips provided in this book will help you manage employees correctly, lawfully and in such a manner that it reduces the risk of being taken to tribunal.

  • Preface
  • About the author
  • Miscellaneous notes
  1. Overview of the ebook
    1. Introduction
    2. Recruiting the right person
    3. Contracts of employment
    4. Prevention is better than cure
    5. Keeping records
    6. Enforcement
    7. Sanctions
    8. Following procedure
  2. Recruiting the right person
    1. Introduction
    2. Define your recruitment requirement
    3. Job description and person specifications
    4. Avoiding unlawful discrimination
    5. Advertising
    6. Health screening
    7. The selection process
    8. Face to face for the first time
    9. Common mistakes at interview
    10. Testing
    11. After the interview
    12. References
  3. Contracts of employment
    1. Introduction
    2. What are the benefits of having a properly drafted statement?
    3. Who should have a set of terms of employment?
    4. What must be included in the written statement?
    5. Terms of the agreement
    6. Implied terms
    7. Incorporated terms
    8. Variation of contract
  4. Prevention is better than cure
    1. Introduction
    2. Standards
    3. Your requirements must be clear
    4. Rules
    5. Timing and recording
  5. Keeping records
    1. Introduction
    2. Benefits of keeping good records
    3. What sort of thing should be noted?
    4. How long should I keep records?
    5. Data protection
  6. Enforcement
    1. Introduction
    2. Dealing with problems informally
    3. Taking formal action
    4. Conduct or capability?
    5. Witnesses
    6. Burden of proof
    7. Suspension
    8. Right to be accompanied
    9. Preparing for a disciplinary hearing – investigating officer
    10. Preparing for a disciplinary hearing – discipline officer
    11. Handling discipline hearings
  7. Sanctions
    1. Introduction
    2. Let the punishment fit the crime
    3. Exercise caution if in doubt
    4. Deciding on a sanction
    5. Totting up
    6. Expired warnings should be disregarded
    7. What to include in formal warnings
  8. Following procedure
    1. Introduction
    2. The most common mistakes
    3. The importance of following procedure
    4. Small procedural errors may be allowed
    5. The reasonable employer
Can be easily understood, has a direct approach and was able to cover all essentials.
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