
Successful Coaching Skills and Models

Sprache :  English
This eBook describes the seven key skills that are needed for successful coaching and explains how to use coaching models; including GROW based and solution focused coaching.
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This eBook tells you how to recognize and overcome organizational barriers to coaching. Describes the essential skills you need to develop such as active listening, rapport using different types of question to focus attention, elicit new ideas, encourage exploration and foster commitment.

It explains popular coaching models including GROW, TGROW, OSKAR and solution focused coaching. An essential aspect is the ability to give feedback in a way that is positive and non-judgmental.

This eBook follows on from our ‘Principles of Coaching’ title. This eBook describes the seven key skills that are needed for successful coaching. These are: active listening, asking questions, goal setting, giving feedback, building rapport, demonstrating empathy, and using intuition. It also explains popular coaching models including GROW, TGROW, OSKAR, and solution-focused coaching. before

You will learn how to:

  • Use active listening techniques to demonstrate genuine interest in the coachee
  • Ask different types of question to focus attention, elicit new ideas, encourage exploration, and foster commitment
  • Develop rapport and give feedback in a way that is positive and non-judgmental
  • Use the GROW, TGROW, and OSKAR models in a practical coaching session with a team member
  • Recognize and overcome organizational barriers to coaching
  1. Coaching Skills
    1. Active Listening
    2. Asking Questions
    3. Goal-setting
    4. Giving Feedback
    5. Building Rapport
    6. Demonstrating Empathy
    7. Using intuition
  2. Coaching Models
    1. The Inner Game
    2. The GROW Model
    3. The TGROW Model
    4. The coaching TGROW acronym stands for:
    5. The OSKAR Model
  3. Organizational Barriers to Coaching
  4. Summary
  5. References
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