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Risk Management Made Easy

(51 Bewertungen )
2 Bewertungen
Sprache :  English
This book differs from most other risk management books - and it’s not nearly as dull!
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This book differs from most other risk management books - it isn’t aimed at risk specialists, it doesn’t focus on a single, specific area, such as financial or insurance-related risk and it’s not nearly as dull!

Written in an informal, no-nonsense style, it brings the concepts of effective risk management to a wider audience than that served by most books on the subject.

It will benefit anyone looking to implement an effective risk management programme – in particular the busy business manager who realises that risk management is important, but for whom it isn’t a full-time occupation.

This book is a highly practical ‘how to’ guide that gives a simple, straightforward, yet thorough process which, if followed, will make your business more resilient.

  1. Chapter 1
    1. Introduction
    2. The benefits of effective risk management
    3. What is a risk?
    4. It’s never happened/will never happen to us
    5. Me, a risk manager?
    6. The balanced view
    7. Risk management has its uses
    8. The risk management process
  2. Chapter 2
    1. Identifying the risks – where do I start?
    2. Identifying the risks – how do I go about it?
  3. Chapter 3
    1. Quantifying our risks - likelihood and impact
    2. Assessing and rating our risks
    3. The risk matrix
    4. Significant risks
  4. Chapter 4
    1. Addressing our risks
    2. Risk response options
    3. Identifying countermeasures
  5. Chapter 5
    1. Implementing countermeasures
    2. Residual risk
    3. The risk register
  6. Chapter 6
    1. Monitoring and reviewing
    2. Joining it all up
    3. Risk appetite
    4. A culture of risk awareness
  7. Chapter 7
    1. Where do we go from here?
    2. Conclusion
  8. Appendices
Very helpful.
Very good education. This book introduces the reader to R.M. and sets the brain gear moving.
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