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Prof. Dr AP Faure
  • Land: South Africa
  • Número de títulos: 13
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Alexander Pierre Faure graduated from Elsenburg Agricultural College after school and went on to Stellenbosch University where he graduated with BA (Commerce), Hons BA (Economics), MA (Economics), and PhD (Economics).

He also successfully completed the Stockbroker Examination Requirements at Witwatersrand University (and is a registered Stockbroker - presently non-broking status).

He first worked for the central bank, where he was involved in compiling the monetary statistics (money stock and sources of change, and money market liquidity analysis) and later in the execution of monetary policy.

His career after central banking included private sector banking (the recipient of monetary policy), stockbroking (influenced by monetary policy) and interest rate analysis (reading monetary policy).

After his private sector experience, he became an academic and held the positions Investec Chair in Money and Banking (at Rhodes University and the University of Fort Hare) and Foord Chair in Investments (at Rhodes University).

After retirement he was appointed Professor Emeritus at Rhodes University, and remains engaged in research.  

He has published widely, including books and papers.

He also served on a number of boards of directors, holding the positions of Non-executive Director and Managing Director.

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