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Prevent Burnout

Sprache:  English
Constant professional stress makes you ill. In this Virtual Classroom, we will show you how to strengthen your inner balance in stressful situations and how to master challenges at work.
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Are you constantly under pressure at work? Do you suffer from deadlines and competitive pressure? Constant professional stress makes you ill. This can result in high blood pressure or depression.

In this Virtual Classroom, we will show you how to strengthen your inner balance in stressful situations and how to master challenges at work. Business Coach Jens Glende will answer important questions, among others: What are stress-promoting behaviour patterns and individual strategies to activate your inner resources to cope with stress?

About the Expert

Jens Glende has been a business coach and management trainer for over 12 years. During his studies in business administration, the business graduate already worked for the management consultancy OSCAR and after his studies he worked for 9 years in product management at Henkel as a manager. His clients include Detecon International, Deutsche Telekom, Ford Motor Company, Henkel, KPMG, L'ORÉAL ÖSTERREICH and the REWE Group.

He supports managers in the areas of potential development, stress management, leadership, communication and change management.

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