
Preparing for Aptitude Tests

Career Skills

(29 Bewertungen )
Sprache :  English
This eBook describes management aptitude tests including: numerical, verbal, abstract, and spatial reasoning tests.
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This eBook describes management aptitude tests including: numerical, verbal, abstract, and spatial reasoning tests. These tests often form part of the job selection process and are designed to assess your ability to communicate and solve numerical and logical problems.

You will learn:

  • How and why organizations incorporate aptitude tests into their management selection processes.
  • Why even a small improvement in your score can result in you being perceived as a much more capable candidate.
  • What types of questions you will be expected to answer in each test.
  • Where to find free practice questions that will allow you to get all the practice you need to succeed at these types of test.
  • Introduction
  • Summary
  • Other Free Resources
  • References
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