
Positive Change

Practical Ways To Identify, Cope With And Implement Change

(23 Bewertungen )
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Sprache :  English
Practical, proven approaches and techniques to coping with change and to planning, implementing and making the change process work successfully.
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Practical, proven approaches and techniques to coping with change and to planning, implementing and making the change process work successfully.

Change is the order of the day. It is not an option; it is a necessity.

Yet often peoples’ reaction to prospective change is automatically negative; change is rarely easy to make and it can be downright difficult. Yet it can be done: change can be made and made successfully if the right attitude and approach is taken. Whether you must act as an agent for change, are faced with accepting or helping implement change, or just need to change yourself to keep up to date and remain able to deliver excellent performance, this book provides a sound basis for action.

  1. Introduction: Change – A Synonym for Success
  2. The Nature of Change
  3. Preparing for Change
  4. Prompting Successful Change
  5. A Systematic Approach
This is a very good book .
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Patrick Forsyth