Kategorien Unternehmen
Penny Shapland-Chew
  • Berufsbezeichnung: Ms
  • Institution: Shapland Coaching
  • Land: Afghanistan
  • Número de títulos: 1
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Penny Shapland-Chew is a coach, consultant and facilitator who works with change - in individuals, teams and organisations. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management, with wide-ranging experience over twenty years in the arts and creative industries. She has also been part of founding and growing several new organisations and has worked in the public sector. She has been involved in numerous change programmes and has developed expertise in the people and organisation aspects of leadership and management. She includes the dynamics of whole systems as well as what is going on for individuals within those systems. She has been exploring personal and professional development in depth over the last ten years and aims to share her understanding of how to create successful and positive workplaces where people can flourish. 

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