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Navigating Cognitive Biases

Understanding the Hidden Influences on Decision-Making

Sprache:  English
In this Virtual Classroom, we will explore the fascinating world of cognitive biases and their impact on professional decision-making.
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In this Virtual Classroom, we will explore the fascinating world of cognitive biases and their impact on professional decision-making. We will uncover how these unconscious mental shortcuts can shape our perceptions, judgments, and behaviors in the workplace. By gaining awareness of these biases, attendees will learn strategies to mitigate their effects and make more rational, effective decisions. Just some of the biases will cover include: Confirmation Bias, Recency Bias and the Framing Effect, to list just three.

Understand what cognitive biases are and how they impact my behaviour in a multitude of ways

Improve my daily decision-making by being aware of 12 common cognitive biases

Apply six different techniques to guard against unconscious cognitive biases

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Anthony Taylor