
My Career Guide: Make Your Dreams Come True

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Sprache :  English
Jump-start Your Career Right Now. Discover Proven Methods to Getting Your Career (Back) On Track - EVEN if You are Struggling With It!
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Jump-start Your Career Right Now. Discover Proven Methods to Getting Your Career (Back) On Track - EVEN if You are Struggling With It!

  1. Introduction to Your Career Guide
    1. What You Will Learn from My Career Guide
    2. What Will You Find in Part Two?
    3. What My Career Guide Provides to Help You along Your Journey
    4. Privacy Policy
  2. Careers…What Happens?
    1. Different Goals
    2. Change Is Rare
    3. The Myth of the Born Careerist
  3. Motivation Is Key
    1. Three Methods to Motivate Yourself
    2. Your Improvement Potential
  4. Your Future
    1. Two Career Traps
    2. Your Professional Future
    3. Trace Yourself: Are You on the Right Career Track?
  5. Why Aren’t You Reaching Your Goals?
    1. Why Don’t You Get What You Want?
    2. How Can We Realize Changes in Our Lives?
    3. Rehearse New Habits
    4. Accept the Naked Truth
    5. The Reptile Brain
  6. Change the Focus of Your Attention!
    1. The Curse of Urgency
    2. Interruptions
  7. The Last Obstacle to Career Success
    1. The Big Career-Stopper
    2. Kick the “Buts” out of Your Life
  8. The Devil Is in the Details
    1. Your Skills
    2. Transferable Skills
    3. The Final Assignment
  9. Adjusting from the Wrong Track
    1. A Simple System for Adjusting Tracks
  10. Adjusting Your Goals?
  11. On the Right Track
    1. You Thought You Had Hit the Ceiling
    2. Get More Salary by Exploiting Your Expertise
    3. How to Take the Next Hurdle
  12. The Road (Ahead)
    1. Steps on the Road Ahead
  13. Part Two: Exercises to Get You Going
    1. My Calling
    2. Roadblocks and Obstacles
    3. Needs Profile: Part One
    4. Needs Profile: Part Two
    5. Working Roles That Feel Comfortable For You
    6. Traits You Admire Most in Your Superiors
    7. What Traits Do You NOT Work Well With?
    8. Elaboration and Results
    9. Basic Skills You Excel in and Like to Employ
  14. Wrap up the Test Results and Exercises
    1. Who am I?
    2. What are my abilities?
    3. What am I looking for?
    4. What do I want?
    5. What suits me?
  15. Your Perfect Job Description
  16. Guidance for Network Talks
    1. Be Specific
    2. Two Objectives
    3. Say Thank You, and Stay in their Minds
    4. Suggestions for the Questionnaire You Bring to a Meeting
  17. Marjorie Mensink
  18. Endnotes
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Marjorie Mensink