
Micro Talk: Biggest Presentation Mistakes

Interview with L&D Expert Frances Schnepfleitner

12m 15s
Sprache :  English
In this interview, we talk to L&D Expert Frances Schnepfleitner about preparing presentations and where you could be going wrong.
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In this interview, we talk to L&D Expert Frances Schnepfleitner about preparing presentations and where you could be going wrong. For example, do you know your audience? Do you know what they know? Have you rehearsed fully?

About the author

Frances Schnepfleitner was born and raised in New Zealand, lived and worked for 25 years in Switzerland, 11 years in Qatar and is now located and working from Liechtenstein. For her entire career, she has worked in education and L&D. She has developed and taught courses for international technology, postal, medical, pharmaceutical, banking, insurance, universities and financial academies. Within L&D Frances has worked at the Managerial level in organisations pertaining to the fields of retail, sports and hospitality. She holds multiple post-graduate qualifications, including both a Master's and Doctorate of Education. She is married with three grown-up daughters.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Frances Schnepfleitner