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Michael Schofield
  • Land: United Kingdom
  • Número de títulos: 2
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Michael Schofield is an associate lecturer and tutor on Leadership and Personal coaching courses and undertakes coaching projects for individuals and teams across the UK. He works with senior management teams in the Public and Private sectors and specialises in communication skills and developing emotional intelligence.

Michael has over 25 years’ experience in sales and has held Senior Sales Roles in a Blue Chip environment, leading high performing teams to National recognition. As a result of his experience he understands what it takes to achieve success in a competitive environment. This provides him with a wealth of experience and a platform from which to understand and relate to the challenges of today’s business environment.

His passion for leadership and coaching combined with superior communication skills are the corner stones of his own success and have led him to a career developing others at all levels from Executive and Senior Managers to teams and their leaders. His commercial and financial experience leaves him well placed to translate coaching input into results on the bottom line for a business.

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