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Mental Toughness: Confidence

Sprache:  English
Do you struggle with low confidence or feelings of being an imposter? Then this Virtual Classroom is for you. We’ll look at the two types of confidence and how to build yours.
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Do you struggle with low confidence or feelings of being an imposter? That despite successes you are about to be found out. That it’s all down to luck?Have you ever been called arrogant? Or said “I’ve got this,” right before you didn’t? 

Then this Virtual Classroom is for you. Low levels of confidence can impact your career progression and your ability to cope with stress and pressure. Equally, overly high levels of (possibly misplaced) confidence can also derail promising careers. We’ll look at the two types of confidence, how to build yours and the downsides of too much confidence. We will also cover some of the behaviours associated with both.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Anthony Taylor