Kategorien Unternehmen

Audiobook: Management Basics

(13 Bewertungen )
1h 16m 40s
Sprache :  English
The main topics covered in this audiobook are planning, organizing, leading and controlling, as well as issues such as competitive advantage, team structure trust and flowcharting.
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What does a manager really do? What is a manager supposed to do? What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

This audiobook outlines the challenging role of the manager. The main topics such as planning, organizing, leading and controlling are covered, as well as issues such as competitive advantage, team structure, business ethics, trust and flowcharting.

Each section concludes with a comment about the not-for-profit sector. While there are many similarities between the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, there are also differences. These comparisons are explored in some detail.

Each section of the audiobook starts with a running case to bring the material to life.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Susan Quinn, Associate Professor, Bissett School of Business