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Manage Your Pipeline To Manage Success

Sprache :  English
The sales equation for success is pipeline + activities = results. Sounds simple, and it is, but the trouble comes from how we do, or do not, manage our sales pipeline.
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The sales equation for success is pipeline + activities = results. Sounds simple, and it is, but the trouble comes from how we do, or do not, manage our sales pipeline. Let’s face it, sometimes salespeople aren’t always the greatest when it comes to tracking and monitoring their process and we stop paying attention to things that are important. When we ignore our sales pipeline, leaks and clogs start to form. They never magically disappear on their own and if left unchecked they always become worse. How do we find these leaks and clogs before it becomes too difficult to address? It’s not as hard as you think if you take a little extra care, time and critical thinking to what is creating your success or keeping you from the success you desire.

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