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Learn How to Speed Read

Sprache:  English
The more you have to read, the less time you have for everything else, so a faster reading speed pays back with every document. In this book, we give you a practical toolkit to speed up your reading.
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Most people would like to read more quickly. Reports, legal documents, emails: the more you have to read, the less time you have for everything else. A faster reading speed will pay back time with every document. So it’s understandable that Speed Reading techniques have been popular since they were first publicised in the 1950s. In this book, we will explore how most people read, what techniques are available to adapt and improve your reading, which tools work, and how they can be used to make real gains. Along the way, we’ll test your progress so you can see how the tools work for you.

About the author

After a career in learning and development in the NHS and in telecoms, Terry Pearce founded 360 Learning Design in 2005. Since then, he’s helped thousands of learners to improve their communication, approaches, and results. Terry’s passion is deconstructing complex, deep or unfamiliar management and personal effectiveness topics and creating practical, engaging learning materials.

  • About the Author: Terry Pearce
  1. Introduction 
    1. Can I really learn to read faster?
    2. What the evidence says about speed reading
    3. So, I really can learn to read faster? 
    4. Tracking your progress 
  2. The right approach for speed reading 
    1. What do you mean by ‘reading’? 
    2. The importance of goal focus 
    3. How the right mindset can help 
  3. Changing how your eyes work the page 
    1. How you read now 
    2. Using bigger chunks to read faster 
    3. Avoiding backskipping to improve reading speed 
    4. Check your progress 
  4. Controlling the path your eyes take 
    1. Using a guide to moderate reading speed and focus 
    2. Setting rhythm and pace when reading 
    3. Check your progress 
  5. Scanning and skimming 
    1. Scanning texts for key information 
    2. Skimming texts for an overview 
  6. Getting smarter with how you process ideas 
    1. Previewing 
    2. Developing Your expectations around structure 
    3. Working with different paragraph types 
    4. Check your progress 
    5. Using idea-based word groups 
    6. Using grammar to recognise idea-based word groups 
    7. Conceptualising and visualising for speed and comprehension 
    8. Check your progress 
  7. Troubleshooting 
    1. Your environment 
    2. Your posture 
    3. Subvocalising 
    4. Vocabulary 
    5. Screen issues 
  8. Making a lasting difference to reading speed 
  • Appendix: comprehension tests 
  • A Five ways to use the power of anchors in learning 
    • Questions 
    • Answers 
  • B Leaping the hot-cold empathy gap to aid learning 
    • Questions 
    • Answers 
  • C Handling behaviour change barriers: Yes, it applies to you 
    • Questions 
    • Answers 
  • D Stephen Covey’s ‘Seven Habits’ in the 21st Century 
    • Questions 
    • Answers 
  • E  Framing and communication: Choose your words carefully 
    • Questions 
    • Answers 
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