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Law For Business Students

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Sprache :  English
All business jurisdictions operate on a legal structure, and share the basic principles set out in this book.
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All business jurisdictions operate on a legal structure, and share the basic principles set out in this book.

Particular attention therefore is given to corporate law involving internal corporate structure, responsibilities of management, employee relations, the basic elements of contracts and negligence, and relations with suppliers, customers and lenders.

Attention is drawn to the formulation of the business plan, disclosure of operations and corporate opportunities, and the raising of funds in the private and public sector.

  1. Corporate structure
    1. General
    2. Internal corporate structure
    3. Constitutional jurisdiction
    4. Directors defined
    5. Appointment and removal of directors
    6. Management
    7. Shareholders
    8. Employee stock options
  2. Corporate management
    1. Directors’ and officers’ fiduciary duties
    2. Best interests of the corporation
    3. Directiors’ good faith reliance
    4. Examples
  3. Corporate responsibilities
    1. Corporate Contracts: Corporate Agents
  4. The business plan
    1. Introduction
    2. Contents
  5. Raising funds: Private placements and going public
    1. Rainsing funds
    2. Private placements
    3. Corporate operations
    4. Entering the marketplace
    5. Management and employees
    6. The problem of wrongful dismissal
    7. Product marketing
    8. Auditors’ professional liability
  6. Labour matters
    1. Introduction
    2. Confidentiality issues
    3. Term of employment
    4. Pension and retirement issues
  7. International trade
    1. Introduction
    2. Foreign trade transactions
    3. Domestic use
    4. Autonomy of the credit transaction
it's very useful for me to prepare for bothe relating company law and economic law
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