Kategorien Unternehmen

Thrive in Change

(26 Bewertungen )
11m 6s
Sprache :  English
Change can feel threatening and destabilizing. Our natural reaction is to move into survival mode and focus on the negative. However, we can choose to thrive in change. Learn how in this audio.
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Clare is passionate about facilitating behavioural change that enables individuals, teams and organisations to reach their true potential. Topics Clare works extensively on include: Thriving in Change, Coaching & Feedback, Virtual Teaming and Building Diverse & Inclusive Cultures.

About the Author

Clare Fitzsimmons is an organisational change and leadership development expert with a wealth of experience working with global companies to strengthen leadership capability and build high performing teams.She is passionate about facilitating behavioural change that enables individuals, teams and organisations to reach their true potential.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Clare Fitzsimmons