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John Chen
  • Land: United States
  • Número de títulos: 1

Meet the extreme leader of Geoteaming – he climbs mountains, walks on fire, swims with dolphins in the wild, rides Harleys, organizes Super Bowl Suites and snowboards out of helicopters. 

John started Geoteaming 22 years ago and is a recognized thought leader on digital team building. He is the John Wiley and Sons author of “50 Digital Team Building Games”, a top selling business book. John’s clients learn how to balance the paradox of competition and collaboration. His work has earned him multiple awards. More than 200,000 clients across the United States and in countries including Spain, France and Taiwan have experienced breakthrough results. When you meet John, you will encounter a dynamic, energetic and effective facilitator who makes friends with everyone. He will help you and your team experience a life-changing adventure.

“With every big risk comes a hidden reward. It may not be what you think it is, it may be better!” – John Chen

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