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Java 4: Java’s type system and collection classes

Software Development

Sprache :  English
This book has primarily focus on Java and numerous of details regarding Java as an object-oriented programming language.
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This book is the fourth in a series of books on software development in Java. This book has primarily focus on Java and numerous of details regarding Java as an object-oriented programming language. The book presents techniques that can help to ensure the development of robust and maintenance-friendly programs, but also techniques needed to know in order to develop robusts programs in a modern programming language.

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  1. Introduction 
  2. Wrapper classes 
    1. Exercise 1 
  3. Strings 
    1. StringBuilder 
    2. StringTokenizer 
    3. Problem 1 
    4. Regular expressions 
    5. Exercise 2 
  4. Inner classes 
    1. Iterators 
    2. Exercise 3 
    3. Exercise 4 
    4. Example: ZipCodes 
  5. Enumerations 
    1. Exercise 5 
    2. Problem 2 
  6. Exception handling 
    1. Checked exceptions 
    2. Unchecked exceptions 
    3. Exercise 6 
  7. Generic types 
    1. Exercise 7 
    2. More on parameters 
    3. Exercise 8 
    4. Raw classes 
    5. Generic methods 
    6. Exercise 9 
    7. Problem 3 
    8. Bound parameter types 
    9. Exercise 10 
    10. Generic types and inheritance 
  8. Lambda expressions 
    1. Anonymous classes 
    2. Methods as parameters 
    3. Examples of lambda expressions 
    4. Java functional interfaces 
    5. Event handlers 
  9. Collection classes 
    1. Overview of the collection classes 
    2. ArrayList 
    3. LinkedList 
    4. Exercise 10 
    5. Problem 3 
    6. HashSet 
    7. TreeSet 
    8. Exercise 11 
    9. HashMap and TreeMap 
    10. PriorityQueue 
    11. Exercise 12 
    12. The algoritms 
    13. Exercise 12 
  10. Annotation 
  11. Packages 
  12. Final example 
    1. The task 
    2. Analysis 
    3. Design 
    4. Programming 
    5. Test 
    6. The last step 
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