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Introduction to Mechanics of Materials: Part I

(108 Bewertungen )
2 Bewertungen
Sprache :  English
This book is a pilot course in the Mechanics of Materials (Elasticity and Strength) offered to engineering students throughout the bachelor study.
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This book is a pilot course in the Mechanics of Materials (Elasticity and Strength) offered to engineering students throughout the bachelor study. The main objective of this course is for students of engineering to develop the ability to analyse a given problem in a simple and logical manner and to its solution, apply a few fundamental and well-understood principles. This book consists of 6 chapters which include fundamental types of loading: axial, torsional, bending, and transversal. Each chapter contains many solved and unsolved problems.

  • List Of Symbols
  • Preface
  1. Introduction – Concept of stress
    1. Introduction
    2. A Short Review of the Methods of Statics
    3. Definition of the Stresses in the Member of a Structure
    4. Basic Stresses (Axial, Normal, Shearing and Bearing stress)
    5. Application to the Analysis and Design of Simple Structures
    6. Method of Problem Solution and Numerical Accuracy
    7. Components of Stress under General Loading Conditions
    8. Design Considerations and Factor of Safety
  2. Stress and Strain – Axial Loading
    1. Introduction
    2. Normal Stress and Strain under Axial Loading
    3. Stress-Strain Diagram, Hooke’s Law, and Modulus of Elasticity
    4. Poisson’s Ratio
    5. Generalised Hooke’s Law for Multiaxial Loading
    6. Saint Venant’s Principle
    7. Deformations of Axially Loaded Members
    8. Problems Involving Temperature Changes
    9. Trusses
    10. Examples, Solved and Unsolved Problems
  3. Torsion
    1. Introduction
    2. Deformation in a Circular Shaft
    3. Stress in the Elastic Region
    4. Angle of Twist in the Elastic Region
    5. Statically indeterminate Shafts
    6. Design of Transmission Shafts
    7. Torsion of Non-Circular Members
    8. Thin-Walled hollow Members
    9. Examples, Solved and Unsolved Problems
  • Appendix
  • References
Es un excelente libro para aprender y reforzar lo aprendido...
it gives the basic idea towards material identification
Über die Autor*innen

Branislav Hučko