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How to speak up to create change with VP Wright

Use your voice to create a more inclusive environment

26m 52s
Sprache :  English
Speaking out is key to creating change, but it’s not always easy to do. In this audio, business coach VP Wright shares what she’s learned on speaking up to advocate for reforms in her industry.
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Have you ever been afraid to speak up? Worried about what other people might think or how they’ll react? You’re not alone! It’s normal to feel worried, but speaking out is key to creating change. Business coach VP Wright once faced similar challenges, but now advocates for reforms in the coaching industry to enhance accessibility. In this audio, she shares what she’s learned: Tune in to discover why speaking up matters, how to communicate better, why speaking out attracts rather than repels the right people, handling confrontation, and what to do when you feel like the odd one out.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Katharina Brendel