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How to Beat Burnout and Love Your Life Again

Sprache:  English
Learn how to recognize the signs of burnout, the hidden and often surprising causes of burnout, and how to level up your energy and leave stress and burnout in the dust for yourself and your team.
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Burnout is at an all-time high globally. Chances are either you, your team members, your suppliers or your clients are in burnout. If left unaddressed, burnout can wreck your health and significantly diminish your quality of life.

In this Virtual Classroom, you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of burnout, the hidden and often surprising causes of burnout, and how to level up your energy and leave stress and burnout in the dust for yourself and your team.

About the Expert

Catherine Peters is a Certified Professional Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner, helping burnt crispy professionals beat stress, heal burnout, crush their goals and love their lives. After a long and successful career creating multiple businesses and traveling the world, Cat faced burnout on an epic level. In her journey to heal herself and her life, she realized that millions of people are struggling with stress and burnout. Now she’s on a mission to give people permission to rest and to teach them how to do it.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Catherine Peters