
Giving You the Space to Create the Life You Want

(17 Bewertungen )
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10m 6s
Sprache :  English
Beth Hope helps you think about what truly matters to you and how to bring this into your everyday life by giving you the time, prompts and space to think about what your ideal normal week looks like.
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What does your ideal normal week look like? What are your values? Dealbreakers? In this episode, Beth Hope takes you through these points to give you the space, time and prompts to think about what truly matters to you and how to build your ideal week. Life is the accumulation of what you do day to day, week to week, Beth helps you to think, envision and start to create the life you want.

About the Author

Beth is an Executive Confidence Coach who helps you strengthen your constructive mindset and boost your authentic confidence. She has a master’s in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health, is Mindfulness trained and an MBTI practitioner. Using all of this she brings evidence-based tools to her work to help you flourish.

Such a wonderful listen!
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Beth Hope