
The Future of Leadership 

Communication as a Success Factor

Sprache :  English
In her Virtual Classroom, Bridget Rug will explain what the future of leadership could look like and why communication can be considered a genuine success factor in this context.
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In her Virtual Classroom, Bridget Rug will explain what the future of leadership could look like in a world characterized by many uncertainties and permanent change. She will also share some examples to underscore the importance of communication and why it is a genuine game-changer when it comes to leadership.

About the Expert

Bridget Rug is a trainer for corporate culture & change. She has around 20 years of experience in international business and has worked for companies in various industries and ownership structures. She has been involved in the various facets of corporate culture for many years, particularly in the areas of team success | diversity, inclusion & belonging | communication | sustainability | ESG beyond compliance and responsible leadership. She is also involved as a mentor in the area of sustainability and is passionate about lifelong learning. Her working languages: German | English | French | Spanish.

Describe what the future of leadership could look like.

Determine communication objectives in the context of leadership.

Choose adequate communication methods to achieve them.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Birgit (Bridget) Rug