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From Surviving to Thriving

Sprache:  English
Meaning and purpose drives motivation, performance and wellness. Discover this antidote to burnout and disengagement and unlock individual and organisational health and performance.
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While we are all experiencing severe challenges, adversity and a changing landscape. It is how we respond to these circumstances that will determine if our organisations will still be relevant and thriving in the future. While it is important to provide support to our people through external resources, it is of higher importance to equip and empower them with the necessary internal resources to thrive.

Meaning and purpose drives motivation, performance and wellness. Discover this antidote to burnout and disengagement and unlock individual and organisational health and performance.  

Most companies incentivize performance. In doing this, they may achieve it, but is that sustainable? If we don’t create the context for that performance, we are very likely to achieve burnout with it. You may indirectly be incentivizing burnout.

We will cover:

·       What is the survival state?

·       Research on the impact of meaning and purpose on health and performance

·       Psycho-neuroendocrinology

·       Eudaimonic Wellbeing

·       The Integral approach to health

·       What is the thriving state and how to get there

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