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Finding Common Ground

Connecting, A Higher Level of Communication

Sprache:  English
Connectors connect on common ground. Discover how you can do this and become not just a great communicator but an amazing connector.
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You need to get on the ground that you can build something on. Explore some of the barriers that stop you from finding that common ground and discover some choices that will help you to find common ground.

About the ExpertDelfina Correia is a people development and leadership trainer, coach, keynote speaker, and author. She is certified with Maxwell Leadership. Delfina grew up working in a family business, and has spent most of her life in the business world. She has a passion to help people succeed in all arenas of life and to see lives transformed through her business, Be Made Whole, a company that exists to lead powerful, positive change through values-based leadership, people development, and community transformation.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Delfina Correia