Kategorien Unternehmen

Expert Talk: Peer to Boss with Stephanie Tsing

Stephanie Tsing on How to Transition from Peer to Boss

40m 9s
Sprache :  English
Stephanie Tsing, Senior Director of Technology at NBCUniversal, shares her experience in how to successfully transition from peer to boss, shift your mindset from “I” to “we”, and lead someone green.
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Transitioning from peer to boss is one of the most challenging times in anyone’s career. Stephanie Tsing – Senior Director of Technology at NBCUniversal, one of the world’s leading media and entertainment companies – shares her experience in how to successfully handle the transition, shift your mindset from “I” to “we”, and how to lead someone green. Stephanie’s key approach is acting like a teacher and thinking one level bigger - for yourself and your team.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Katharina Brendel