Kategorien Unternehmen

Expert Talk: Embracing Conflict with Leitha Matz

Leitha Matz on Embracing Conflict as a Leader

40m 44s
Sprache :  English
Leitha Matz, COO of Zuper, discovered early on in her leadership career that conflict is unavoidable and so all the more important to learn how to handle. Hear her tips on how to embrace conflict.
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No one is a fan of conflict, including Leitha Matz, COO of FinTech startup Zuper. But Leitha discovered early on in her leadership career that it is unavoidable and so all the more important to learn how to handle. Hear her tips on how to embrace conflict, overcome big expensive embarrassing decisions, and successfully lead a remote team. Leitha believes you make your own success and, as a leader, your main role is to protect your team.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Katharina Brendel