This book seeks to better the understanding of digitization for all stakeholders, helping make informed choices about their part in their organization’s transformation. The book addresses this by looking at different stakeholder needs, key levers for digitization and providing a guide on building the case for change for an organization. The premise of the book is that with all the key pillars of successful digital transformation understood and considered, digital transformation can create an overall positive impact for all stakeholders while minimizing the rates of failure.
About the Author
Jacob Vaidyan is a digital transformation advisor, working on technology led business transformation for over two decades. At enterprise software leader SAP, Jacob is a thought leader on technology, industry, business model and innovation. He works closely as a trusted leader and adviser with the executive team internally, with Customers and the wider ecosystem to drive mutual success in digital transformation. He has a breadth and depth of experience working with leading brands from around the world across a range of industries where he finds synergies between technology and business.