
Creative Problem Solving

Taking Imagination Through to Action

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Sprache :  English
Debunking the perceived mysteries and complexities of creativity and problem-solving.
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Debunking the perceived mysteries and complexities of creativity and problem-solving. Most people when challenged to describe how they do their day job, be it pilot, doctor, or accountant, can do this as they know how they do what they do. Ask the same people to describe how they ‘do’ creativity and the response will rarely be as clear, often a series of vague words using phrases like ‘out of the box, brainstorming, stage gates etc.’. People talk about creativity not what they ‘do’ in order to be creative. This book will change that. We are all creative problem solvers because everyone in their life has at some point had to solve a problem in a new way. However, because it happens by accident it cannot be repeated and performance cannot be improved. As any sports coach will tell you, one had first to be aware of how one does something in order to focus on the parts and them improve all of the elements before putting it all back together again.

This book will show you what you ‘do’ in order to be creative. Paradoxically creativity flourishes best when a robust process structure is in place, a map to guide you through imagination to action. To navigate the map simple behavioural tools are needed and these are described in detail as well.

  1. Introduction
    1. Myth slayer
    2. All the knowledge is out there
    3. Definitions
    4. Creative Problem Solving is everywhere
  2. The context for creative problem solving
    1. Out of complexity, simplicity
    2. A complex world
    3. What to do?
    4. Creative problem solving know how
    5. Keep the big picture in view
  3. Climate – Trust and how it impacts on creative problem solving
    1. Field and climate, using your energy productively
  4. Framing – how to think about the world to promote creative problem solving
  5. A paradox – Structured creative problem solving
  6. The players – roles and responsibilities
    1. Three roles – client, facilitator, supporter
  7. Behaviour to encourage ideas
    1. Ground rules
    2. The Meaning of Life
    3. Listen to your inner voice
    4. Speak from your inner voice
    5. Suspend judgement and look for positive intention
    6. Explore the meaning behind questions
    7. Imagine first
    8. Use curiosity to choose
    9. Make sense slowly
    10. Stick to your role
    11. Share the air time
    12. Take action – experiment
  8. A walk through a creative problem solving meeting
    1. Planning
    2. Define
    3. Imagine
    4. Choose
    5. Ideate
    6. Evaluate
    7. Decide
    8. Next Steps
    9. In conclusion, doing the unreasonable in a reasonable way
A good start at the art of being creative in whatever you want or like to do.
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Jonne Ceserani