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Confidence for Success

How to Boost Your Confidence at Work in Six Easy Steps

2 Bewertungen
Sprache:  English
Confidence for Success is a practical guide to help you easily identify techniques to project a more confident image and improve your self-confidence in a professional or business environment.
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The constantly evolving nature of business requires a high level of flexibility, intellectual agility, mental resilience and emotional intelligence. Building up your self-confidence is the foundation that will enable you to level up your skills in all these areas and more.

This book provides an overview of what confidence really is and six easy strategies to implement today so you can boost your confidence and perform at your very best in your professional role. It is free of jargon and provides plenty of practical examples with suggestions that you can immediately apply to your own situation.

About the Author

Karine Zbinden, Ph.D., is a published academic author and University teacher. A mum of three teenagers, she felt that working part-time for several years had had a big impact on her self-confidence.

In her coaching practice, set up in 2020, after getting certified in Advanced Coaching, she helps female leaders overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome and project confidence so they can achieve career success.

  • About the Author
  • Introduction: What is Self-confidence and Why Does It Matter?
  1. How Confident Am I?
    1. Assessing your level of confidence
    2. Identifying your strengths
    3. Leveraging your strengths
    4. The difference between inner and outer confidence
    5. Building confidence from the outside in
  2. How Confident Do I Sound?
    1. Controlling nerves
    2. Using your voice to project confidence: pitch, intonation and pace
    3. What to say and not to say
    4. Intonation
  3. How Confident Do I Look?
    1. What Bourdieu’s notion of "social capital" can teach us
    2. Changing your image - changing your impact
    3. Power posing or presence: assessing Amy Cuddy’s "power poses"
  4. How Confident Is My Behaviour?
    1. Defining your "work persona"
    2. Punctuality
    3. Attention
    4. Honesty and Tact
  5. How to Give and Receive Feedback
    1. Different types of feedback
    2. How do you receive positive feedback or compliments?
    3. Can you take criticism?
    4. Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset
    5. Do you recognise other people’s achievements?
  6. How to Speak Up in Meetings
    1. How to put your points across powerfully
    2. How to make sure you get heard
    3. How to express an unpopular point of view
  7. Conclusion: Putting it all into Action
    1. Summary
    2. Just show up!
    3. Defining goals and measuring progress: the GROW model
    4. Celebrating your progress
  • References

Learn to receive different types of feedback positively and use it for personal development and growth. Gain tools for speaking up effectively in meetings and expressing viewpoints, even if they are unpopular.

Great guide, really easy to read and full of very actionable strategies! Recommended for anybody who has experienced feeling not good enough and who wants an easy way to build their self-confidence.
Great guide, clear and concise, practical advice to put into action!
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Karine Zbinden Ph.D.