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Be a Communication Champion

How to Communicate for Maximum Impact

Sprache:  English
Communication is at the heart of everything we do. However, are you getting your message across in the way you desire? Most people don’t. Learn the keys to communicating powerfully!
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Communication is the key to everything in life and yet, is often not given the credence it needs as most people believe communication is simple. You are communicating all the time, and it is imperative that the right message is being given to yourself and those around you. For you to be a Champion communicator, learn the skills that are needed for you to stand out from the rest. Once you grasp these simple skills and techniques you will be the most powerful communicator in your organization, a real Communication Champion!

About the Expert

Dave Williams is a bestselling author, multi-award-winning Master Coach and international speaker. He has 40 years management experience being a senior manager himself for many years and also coaching and training management teams from junior teams to directors of multi-million pound organisations. Having found the same issues arising consistently with different organisations and their teams, he created The Management M.A.S.T.E.R.Y. University in 2022 to give management teams the tools they really need to be able to manage their teams effectively.

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