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Business Law Now! Part II

Sprache :  English
In this succinct textbook the author has attempted to focus and highlight the more important commercial and business applications of the areas of the law covered in todays globalised business world.
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Business Law – Now! Is a new succinct online-textbook. The author has attempted to focus and highlight the more important commercial and business applications of the areas of the law covered in todays globalised business world.

  1. Module 1 Introduction to Law
    1. Defining Law
    2. Rule of Law
    3. Requisites of the Law
    4. Types of Legal Systems
    5. Classifications of Law
    6. Statute Law and Common Law
    7. Criminal Law and Civil Law
    8. Classification of Civil Law (Common Law)
    9. Criminal Law
    10. Civil Law (Common Law)
  2. Module 2 Legislation & Constitutional Law
    1. Legislation and Statutory Interpretation – Level 1
    2. Changing the Constitution – Level 1
    3. Statutory Interpretation and Guides (Maxims) – Level 1
    4. Common Law Rules of Statutory Interpretation – Level 1
    5. Purposive Approach and Extrinsic Materials – Level 1
    6. Maxims (Aids) to Construction – Level 1
    7. Problems with Statutory Interpretation – Level 1
    8. Basis of Precedent – Level 1
    9. Construction of Legislation – Level 1
    10. Judge Made (Case) Law – Level 1
  3. Module 3 Law of Tort
    1. Tort of Negligence
    2. Sources of Tort Law
    3. Function of Tort Law
    4. Elements of Tort Law
    5. Private Rights and Interests
    6. Classification of Torts (Civil Wrongs)
    7. Private Nuisance
    8. Remedies for Torts
    9. Statute of Limitations
    10. Liability for Breach of Duty
    11. Liability for Misrepresentation
    12. Defamation
    13. Injurious Falsehood
    14. Tort of Passing Off
    15. Liability for Intentional Damage
    16. Torts and Crimes Distinguished
    17. Rights Protected by Torts
    18. Tort Law and Other Law
    19. Compensation outside Tort Law
    20. Fault Based Compensation
  4. Module 4 The Tort of Negligence
    1. Elements of Negligence
    2. Causation
    3. Remoteness of Damage
    4. Damages
    5. Reasonable Person
    6. Standard of Care
    7. Vulnerability and Control Tests
    8. Policy Considerations
    9. Probability of Harm
    10. Defences
    11. Res ipsa Loquitur (‘the facts speak for themselves’)
  5. Module 5 Contract Law
    1. Nature of a Contract
    2. Promises in Contracts
    3. Contract and Agreement Distinguished
    4. Privity of Contract
    5. Elements of a Valid Contract
    6. Damages for Breach of Contract
    7. Sources of Contract Law
    8. Common Law Principles
    9. Equitable Principles
    10. Statute Law or Legislation
    11. Promissory Estoppel
    12. Statute of Frauds
    13. Consumer Protection and Fair Trading Legislation
  6. Module 6 Contract Law in Business
    1. Basics of Business Contracts
    2. Common Types of Business Contracts
    3. Negotiations in Business Contracts
    4. Benefits of Business Contracts
    5. Contracts and Business Arrangements
    6. Written Contracts in Business
    7. Contracts and Verbal Agreements
    8. Common Business Contracts
    9. Joint Venture Agreements
    10. Contract Law in Business
    11. Formalities of Business Contracts
    12. Business Orders
    13. Spoken Orders
    14. Commercial Orders
    15. Online Contracts (e-Commerce)
  7. Module 7 Basics of Contract Law
    1. Defining a Valid Contract
    2. Meaning of Intention
    3. Conduct and Negotiation
    4. Legality of Contract
    5. Parol Evidence Rule
    6. Executing the Agreement
    7. Misrepresentation
    8. Non est factum (it is not my deed)
    9. Unconscionable Contracts
    10. Formal and Simple Contracts
    11. Statute of Limitations
    12. Elements of a Valid Contract
    13. Different Types of Contracts
    14. Promises in Contracts
    15. Invalid Contracts
    16. Void Contracts
    17. Voidable Contracts
    18. Unenforceable Contracts
    19. Illegal Contracts
  8. Module 8 Legal Intention to Contract
    1. Intention and Agreements
    2. Legal Intention
    3. Express Intention
    4. Implied Intention
    5. Non-Commercial Agreements
    6. Business (Commercial) Agreements
  9. Module 9 The Offer
    1. Legal Meaning of Offer
    2. Offer or Request for Information
    3. Invitation to Treat – Level 1
    4. Offers and Invitations to Treat
    5. Shop Displays
    6. Catalogues
    7. Advertisements
    8. Auctions
    9. Tenders
    10. Negotiating Contracts
    11. Meaning of Negotiation
    12. Termination of Offer
  10. Module 10 The Acceptance
    1. Rules of Acceptance
    2. Reliance and Acceptance
    3. Terms and Acceptance
    4. Communication of Acceptance
    5. Absolute Acceptance
    6. Postal Rule and Contracts
    7. Requirement for Acceptance
    8. Instantaneous Communications
  11. Module 11 Consideration
    1. Meaning of Consideration
    2. Parties to the Consideration
    3. Forms of Consideration
    4. Classification of Consideration
    5. Consideration and Types of Contracts
    6. Types of Consideration
    7. Rules of Consideration
  12. Module 12 Operation of Consideration
    1. Importance of Consideration
    2. Aspects of Consideration
    3. Consideration at Common Law
    4. Consideration and Promisee
    5. Forbearances and Consideration
    6. Consideration and Promises
    7. Sufficiency of Consideration
    8. Part-Payment of Debts
    9. Consideration and Public Duty
    10. Performance of Existing Obligation
  13. Module 13 Promissory Estoppel
    1. Basis of Promissory Estoppel
    2. Promissory Estoppel
    3. Operation of Promissory Estoppel
    4. Consideration and Promissory Estoppel
    5. Application of Promissory Estoppel
    6. Elements of Promissory Estoppel
    7. Remedies for Breach
    8. Remedies for Promissory Estoppel
  14. Module 14 Introduction to Terms
    1. Terms of a Contract
    2. Terms and Mere Representations
    3. Types of Terms
    4. Terms or Mere Representations
    5. Expressed (Written) Terms
    6. Exclusion or Exemption Clauses
    7. Parol Evidence Rule
    8. Collateral Contracts
    9. Type of Express Terms
  15. Module 15 Implied Terms
    1. Classification of Implied Terms
    2. Common Law
    3. By Statute (Legislation)
    4. Implied Terms in Contracts
    5. Terms Implied by the Court
    6. Terms Implied by Custom
    7. Terms Implied by Prior Dealings
    8. Terms Implied by Statute
  16. Module 16 Terms Implied by Statute
    1. Terms and Consumer Contracts
    2. Implied Term as to Title
    3. Correspondence with Description
    4. Fitness for Specific Purpose
    5. Acceptable Merchantable Quality
    6. Business Efficacy and Implied Terms
  17. Module 17 Sale of Goods
    1. Sale of Goods Legislation
    2. Meaning of Goods
    3. Possession and Property of Goods
    4. The Vienna Sales Convention
    5. Definition of Consumer
    6. Fair Trading Acts
  18. Module 18 Operation of Sale of Goods Acts
    1. Formation of Sales of Goods Contracts
    2. Consideration for Sale of Goods
    3. Transfer of Property
    4. Definition of Goods
    5. Agreement to Sell and Sale
    6. Executed Sale of Goods Contract
    7. Executory Sales of Goods Contract
    8. Passing of Property
    9. Performance of Sales of Goods Contract
    10. Duties of Seller and Buyer
    11. Remedies for Breach of Contract
  19. Module 19 Vitiating Factors
    1. Undue Influence
    2. Duress
    3. Mistake
    4. Unconscionable Conduct
    5. Rescission
    6. Misrepresentation
  20. Module 20 Application of Vitiating Factors
    1. Unconscionable Conduct in Equity
    2. Application of Misrepresentation
    3. Vitiating Factors and Voidable Contracts
    4. Remedy of Rescission
  21. Module 21 Vitiating Factors in Business
    1. Statutory Unconscionability
    2. Unconscionability and Consumer Protection
    3. Meaning of Unconscionable Conduct
    4. Misleading (Deceptive) Conduct
    5. Commercial Character of Conduct
    6. Causation
    7. Remedies for Contravention
    8. Injunction
    9. Damages
    10. Ancillary Orders
    11. Misrepresentation and Statute Law
  22. Module 22 Discharge of Contract
    1. Release of Obligations by Discharge
    2. Methods of Discharge of Contract
  23. Module 23 Effect of Discharge of Contract
    1. Discharge (Termination) by Performance
    2. Substantial Performance
    3. Partial Performance
    4. Divisible Contracts
    5. Discharge by Agreement
    6. Discharge for Breach of Contract
    7. Discharge by Frustration
  24. Module 24 Purpose of Discharge
    1. Contract Termination
    2. Termination by Innocent Party
    3. Methods of Discharge
    4. Termination of Contract
    5. Rescission
  25. Modules 25 Remedies for Breach
    1. Award of Damages
    2. Remedy of Damages
    3. Rules Regarding Award of Damages
    4. Enforcement of Rights
    5. Classification of Remedies
    6. Order for Restitution
  26. Module 26 Types of Remedies
    1. Equitable Remedies
    2. Monetary Compensation (Damages)
    3. Ordinary or ‘Real’ Damages
    4. Other Remedies in Damages
  27. Module 27 Agency
    1. Basis of Agency
    2. Defining Agency
    3. Creation of Agency
    4. Classification of Agents
  28. Module 28 Agency in Business
    1. Types of Agents in Business
    2. Specific Types of Business Agents
    3. Duties of an Agent
    4. Agent’s Fiduciary Duties
    5. Rights of an Agent
    6. Liability of Agents to Third Parties
    7. Doctrine of Undisclosed Principal
    8. Breach of Authority
    9. Agent’s Tortious Liability
    10. Termination of Agency
  29. Module 29 Partnerships and Companies
    1. Determining a Partnership
    2. Partnership Agreement
    3. Partnership Relationship to Outsiders
    4. Liability of Partners
    5. Partnership Dissolution
    6. Corporations
    7. Fiduciary Duties of Directors
  30. Module 30 Ethics in Business
    1. Law and Morality
    2. Defining Law
    3. Justice and the Law
    4. Morals and Ethics
    5. Impact of Ethics on Business
    6. Business Ethics
    7. Ethics in a Business Context
    8. Unconscionable Conduct in Business
    9. Sources of Business Ethics
    10. Law as a Source of Ethics
    11. Corporate Governance and Ethics
    12. Corporations and Ethics
    13. Ethics and Organisational Integrity
    14. Codes of Conduct and Ethics
    15. Corporate Social Responsibility
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Caterina Crucitti