Kategorien Unternehmen

Bridging the Generational Gap

How to Create a Multigenerational Workforce that Thrives

23m 33s
Sprache :  English
In this episode Ndiimanae reveals how to build a multigenerational workforce that thrives on diversity, productivity, and engagement.
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In this episode Ndiimanae reveals how to build a multigenerational workforce that thrives on diversity, productivity, and engagement. Not only is working with different generations a challenge, but also an opportunity to gain a competitive edge in the market. She shares a success story of a company that has mastered the art of creating a multigenerational culture that promotes inclusion, collaboration, and innovation. No matter what role you play in your organization, you will get practical tips and inspiring ideas on how to bridge the generational gap.

Über den Autor/die Autorin

Ndiimanae Rabuli