Kategorien Unternehmen

Audiobook: Become the Leader You Are

(28 Bewertungen )
1 review
1h 37m 36s
Sprache :  English
A mini-manual for high-quality leadership, self-leadership and self-coaching. Each chapter gives insight and practical tips.
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‘Become the Leader You Are: Self-Leadership through Executive Coaching’ is a mini-manual to build high-quality leadership, self-leadership and self-coaching. Each chapter provides perspective, insight and practical suggestions on key topics for leaders to make part of their daily lives.

It emphasises authenticity and self-awareness, relationships and systemic thinking, and the value of diversity and self-management. It considers emotional intelligence, resilience, neuroscience and mindfulness as areas of knowledge and practice which offer additional particular benefit to the leader.

It is good for people who wish to be leaders in our societies.
Über den Autor/die Autorin

Lindsay Wittenberg