Your customer has changed in this virus ridden era. They have changed habits, consumptions, and behaviors. Everyone has changed to some extent, be it knowingly or subconsciously. Knowing how and why your customer has changed can provide you a holistic view of necessary tweaks in existing communication or even identify new opportunities. In this book, we discuss these changes and show, how to be prepared for any future customer challenges using understanding recent consumption trends, the extent of their changes, ways to identify customer changes, importance of collaboration and more.
About the Author
Yash Pednekar is a marketing manager working with Facedrive. He has worked in multiple industries and departments such as marketing, customer service, event coordination and HR. He has 5 years of cumulative experience with post-graduation studies in marketing and branding. He believes that the customer is the center of anybusiness and has led companies to develop a genuine customer centric mindset. He believes that success of a company is dependent on their level of understanding towards their ‘customer’.