Kategorien Unternehmen

An Overview of Government Auditing in the US

(16 Bewertungen )
2 Bewertungen
Sprache :  English
What is government auditing? Why is it necessary? What standards are applied to the audit of governments? This manual details these and many more integral questions related to this topic.
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Government auditing is crucial in today’s world. With increasing concern about corruption citizens are demanding to be informed about the government’s intent to achieve and actual accomplishments. As all government programs are susceptible to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement, government auditing provides means of access to the performance of those entrusted with public resources to reinforce the expectation that the government officials will carry out their duties effectively, efficiently, and ethically. This short and focused manual, written from the perspective of a student and professional, covers the audit function in government, basics of government auditing standards, and an overview of general auditing standards.

  • Introduction
  1. The Audit Function in Government
    1. Governmental Environment
    2. The Concept of Government Auditing
    3. The Significance of Government Auditing
    4. Government Efforts to Promote Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity
    5. Challenges and Change in the World of Audit
  2. Basics of Government Auditing Standards
    1. Highlights of the Yellow Book
    2. The Application of GAGAS
    3. The Role of Management and Officials
    4. Ethical Principles for Auditors
  3. The Auditors’ Responsibilities
    1. Preserve Audit Independence
    2. Apply Professional Judgment
    3. Possess Sufficient Competence
    4. Maintain High-Quality Work
  • Reference
The course contains key concepts of government auditing. It's very educational. A shortcut to gain a good understanding of government auditing principles.
Great read for her debut literary endeavor....looking forward to many more great works.
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